A wonderful time to spring clean

The beginning of spring is a time to think about cleaning, whether that be your home, your work desk, closet, dressers or most importantly, your body. Usually at this time I do a detox to support my liver. Since we've hibernated over the winter months, eating foods that sustained my internal heat, our organs (especially the liver) have had to work on overdrive. 

Here are a few options you can use to support your liver. One that I like a lot, is the dandelion plant. It's great to use in salads.  Milk thistle is also a great liver supporter- it's a strong herb, and only a few drops per day for two weeks is enough. Observe how your body reacts. Another great thing for the liver is to give your body a day off  by doing a liquid cleanse. For example: soups, green tea, water, smoothies, herbal teas, a cup of coffee, and coconut water to help balance electrolytes. I usually opt for a lazy Sunday to do my liquid cleanse, when I have less demands from work and life. I'll then introduce solid foods on the Monday- be sure to eliminate sugars, simple carbohydrates and heavy meats. 

There is an old Italian saying "At the table one never grows old".  Italians tend to have a lot of food and laughter around the table.  They tend to savour their food in delight.  When we are happy, our bodies tend to respond in the same joy.  I believe when we love what we eat, we will digest well.  Loretta LaRoche, an Italian Comedian from NYC says when "we squeeze a lot, whine a lot, we are sphincterizing", this will definitely affect digestion and elimination.

Food is succulent. so enjoy it with passion - RL  

De-cluttering, getting rid of "stuff" that no longer serves you or fits you, is just another way to feel lighter for the sunnier months. I get a lot of pleasure going through my closet and dresser drawers, giving away clothes I have not worn in the year to an organization that would benefit from my past joys.  It allows room for the "new".  Fresh ideas, new looks, a cleaner and more organized closet makes me feel renewed - giving rise to more energy in my daily life.  

When we feel clean, just like after a shower, or visually see how beautifully organized our closets + house are, our bodies will respond to our food in a different way.  We will feel happier, lighter, calmer and more in control of our lives.  Eating will then become a more pleasant enjoyment. 

So get going, start your spring cleaning so you can later play in the sun!